Donated Art

Lue Svendson of Svendson Studios; is always looking for ways for supporting the arts. Whether it is through Art Auctions or Donated Art directly to organizations such as UL Fundraiser Galas, and Ducks Unlimited Fundraisers. Additionally, Lue has Donated Art to the Martinis Fundraiser to Benefit Healing House, Camp Tiger Benefits, UL Foundation Fundraisers for Scholarships, and Live Auctions for Palate & Pâté Events. Other donations include Ducks Unlimited Sponsors Banquets, Auction items for the UL Beau Arts Ball, and the Lafayette General Medical Center Auction. These are but a few ways Lue finds for giving back to the community that has inspired her Art!

St. Francisville, Louisiana Sunrise

“Texas Summer Creek”

“Oil On Canvas”
“16” x 20″

This piece is named “Texas Summer Creek.” It is 16 inches by 20 inches in size. The art’s medium is “Oil On Canvas,” And, Art Donated to Ducks Unlimited Tribute to Kell McInnis — Baton Rouge, LA.

About The ArtistLue Svendson • Svendson Studios

Lue paints as often as she can creating many scenes from the local area. She paints what she knows best; the woods and the prairies of South Louisiana. Lue’s influence comes from the techniques of Sergei Bongart, George Inness and her teacher Pat Bourque of Lafayette, Louisiana. Her art education has consisted of individual art classes and seminars. She is a member of the Lafayette Art Association.

The primary inspiration for Lue’s work is the challenge to recreate the beauty of the natural landscape on canvas. For me, that is a technical challenge as well as artistic. Using images from my travels, I paint mostly in my studio and open air whenever I can. I feel a constant need to create or to express myself on paper, canvas or in my garden. To keep the variety that I crave I paint on old doors, cloth, boards, serving trays, placemats and any other found object that attracts me. I use gold and silver leaf as the sky, water or as the matt. These pieces become a partnership of my work and what the artifact was in another life. Metal leaf gives it a richness and ages the work to provide it with a character that is very distinctive.

Framing has always been a massive part of my artwork. I enjoy the marriage of my work and the perfect frame. I shop for old frames at garage and estates sales and buy online across the U.S. for quality frames. Often I choose a “Frame” first and paint a piece to go in that particular “Frame.”

Donated to Ducks Unlimited Tribute to Kell McInnis — Baton Rouge, LA.


“Svendson Studio”
424 E Vermilion St
Lafayette, LA 70501

Contact Svendson Studios